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The Brazilian family

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The family names Dortas and Dorta in Brazil seems to have a common ancestor in Manuel van Dorth. 

During the year 1624 there was a Dutch invasion in the northeast of Brazil in the cities of Salvador and Recife. Both Manuel van Dorth, brother of Pieter Van Dorth, and Johan (Joan) van Dorth, his cousin took part in this invasion by admiral Jacob Willekens of Bahia, as Salvador was known in those days. Nobleman Johan van Dorth commanded the infantry. The Dutch held Salvador for just one year (till April 30, 1625), in which year Johan van Dorth was assasinated. The Dutch pillaged the churches of Salvador, claiming to be the "Enemies of the Catholic Church"
Although the Dutch occupation force and their ships were allowed to leave 
Bahia, Manuel van Dorth or his family must have stayed? According to João Carlos Bittencourt Dortas his branch of the family Van Dorth lives in the Porto Alegre - Rio Grande Do Sul (Brazil). More about the Dutch in Bahia, see here

Bahia in those days 23).

In some books about the invasion the name van Dorth is also spelled as van Dort. There were some Dortas as Jacob Dorta da Paz and Israel Moises Dorta and probably they changed their names from Dort(h) to Dorta 22)

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I will add a link to the gedcom or an internet version of the genealogy soon. 
1997, Edvardo Dortas & Mascha van Dort, All rights reserved
Last update 8 February1998