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Hot: Photo's from  my apartment!
plus a dutch course page

for friends:
Koen and I
Chat pages
Guest book
Send a postcard
Pick up your postcard

for history addicts:
Genealogy pages of the families van Dort

for vegetarian travelers:
Vegetarian in London

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questions about the site?

Koen and I
 Who the heck is Koen? Find out everything (almost) about Koen and me on this page 
My apartment
 Pictures from my apartment. Find out how I livDutch, Dutch, dutch, dutch!
 I made a dutch language site for all my friends abroad who want to learn Dutch. Cool of them, don't you think!
Chat pages
 This is where it sometimes happens: my virtual living room 
Guest book
 You can leave a message after the beep and read the guest book too. There is a different one for the genealogy pages. 
Send a postcard
 Send an electronic postcard to a friend (me for instants). I'll add nice pictures soon (no not that kind of pictures). 
Pick up postcard
 Pick up your electronic postcard 
Genealogy of the families van Dort
table of contents
The introduction:  intro 
Bergen op Zoom: family of fisherman and skippers
Delft: owners of the Rietstap crest
Utrecht: silver smiths and crafsmen
Zwolle: a noble old family
Muiden: stories from Indonesia
Beemster: an old family
Belgium: writers
USA: from 16th century till WWII
 Canada: Farmers for a better future
Australia: Sri Lankans and more
Sri Lanka: Dutch Burghers
Brazil: old colonials
Malaysia: the van Dort award
Nettizens: van Dort's on the net
Coat of arms: coats and crests of van Dort's
Online genealogies: the actual data
Guest book: leave a message
Credits: to all people who helped
About: the making of the site

Join the Dutch actions againt the bio-industry at http://www.xs4all.nl/~jlieftin/strntzat.html

find the best holiday destinations on the sites of
Vegetarian restaurant pages
Digidorp Vegatopia

London: Mascha's dinner experiences in London

Koen and I  | Chat pages  | Guest book
Send a postcard | Pick up postcard | Genealogy pages of the families van Dort
Vegetarian in London